Saturday 18 April 2009

Nusantara...Aram Kitai Bejalai Exhibition

A Solo Exhibition:
Wednesday 15 October - Sunday 26 October 2008.
Sheffield Institute of Art and Design Gallery,
Sheffield Hallam University.

Pua 1-7

Pua 8-13

Pua 14-19

Pua 20-25

Pua 26-28

Batik 1-4

Batik 5-8

Batik 9-12

Batik 13-16

Batik 17-18

Translation on Pua Kumbu

1,2. Selamat Datai


3,4,5. Perintah Rajah Brooke 1842-1941

The White Rajah of Sarawak - James Brooke, Charles Brooke and Charles Vyner Brooke.

6. Baka gemian ikan banta' nyambut jerua' ai' kembai, baka pesilar ular sudu' nyambut pupu' pasang lemai

Coming to received good fortune/profit/windfall/godsend

7. Ragak riang dipansuh enda' bulih seputung munti'; ragak daun rubai disumai enda' bulih seperiuk pendi'

A person who knows how to talk big but delivers nothing/has no direction

8. Ujan mas di menua orang, ujan batu di menua diri'

The satisfaction/happiness that one experiences in other country is no better in ones own country, therefore whatever it is good or bad, one should always be thankful

Enda' retai di panas, enda' sebah di ujan

A descent living often get praises

9. Bejalai betungkatka adat; tinduk bepanggalka pengingat

Never ever do something that breaches the custom/break the law

10. Ngasingka ketapu bulu bekia', masukka kelambi baju taya'

Go on war raid

11. Agi' idup agi' ngelaban

The Malaysian Rangers incitement slogan means fight till the end

Ai' bah perau' enda' anyut, telah agi' kemarau panjai

It's useless not to grab an opportunity that available needles to say if there's none at all

12. Teleba' nuntungka siung nudukka teladuk, nanam peputan, alai Iban ke betekan angkat nempa'

Laurels attained had profound effects on one’s own race and emulated by others

13. Ai' ditetak enda' putus; ai' ditunu enda' angus

No matter how serious the dispute is among brothers/sisters/family members, they will eventually reconcile/be good as usual/before

14. Baka sungai betemu nanga; baka kajang betemu siba; baka kain betemu puncha

Both are evently matched: experts match with expert and together they accomplished their task excellently/brilliantly

15. Lasit baka kechit atung nyelalang; laju baka peluru leka bangkang; deras ari kebas kesulai tandang

The word/phrase used to describe the speed of ones work/run/fight

16. Asal pelaga pulai ke lupung, asal ilang pulai ke sarung

Refuse/unable to change ones attitude/behaviour, Never get fed up/give up in one task just like the Ibans who form continuosly throughout their lifes or else they have nothing to eat/consume

17. Banyak ari lemetak di Tinting Kedang; mayuh ari beluh Danau Majang

An expression to illustrate a situation/condition where there are many people converging/gathering at one place

18. Ari ni selangking seruran nyumbuk; ari ni terentang balut sampuk; ari ni bidai jarai keranjai uduk !

Describe a person who comes from a family well known for telling/revealing a story/rumour

19. Baka tekura pantup bebandir

Endeavours which reach their objectives after overcoming obstacles

20. Sehari selembar ubung, lama-kelama' selambar kain

There must be something worthwhile/profitable if we are persistant, steadfast, enduring in doing our work

21. Adat periuk bekerak, adat lesung bededak

A certain task/work that is conducted must be done with deligence and whole heartedly

Agi' idup diserayung adat, udah parai dikandung tanah

One must always be guided by manners/basic values/ culture till end

22. Abu abis tekebu, amau abis tekebau

Every matters undertaken throughout life has no ending

23. Ngererai baka tangkai pinang laka; jurus baka arus numpu ke nanga

As agreed, though a task has been clearly explained/announced any other task can be carried out

24. Akal akar bepulas anda' patah

A smart person is never easily deviated/fooled

Alah di tanah, menang di gelanggang

One may be defeated in an event/a way but may win in the other, which could be much easier in ones home/other places

25. Sesingkat serekat ke siku orang, sesingkang lansau ke bansa mensia

The first words spoken on the moon from Neil Amstrong, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,"

26. Sekali ai' bah, sekali' pasir berubah

The change in leadership, a change in administration

Berubah orang megai, berubah ga' atur menua

Current changes in global scenes have diverse influence in local situation.

27,28. Selamat Jalai

Good Bye

Translation on Batik

1. Ensulai pulai ke lubuk, pinang pulai ke tampuk, enti takut ditimpus umbak, anang berumah di tisi tebing.

Homecoming – a reflection upon the challenges endured during the previous journey.

2. Beralih ke tanah putih, pindah ke tanah mirah

Escaped, move elsewhere

Amat tinggi' bangau terebai, ila' iya inggap ba' belakang kerebau

A person who wonders for so long will return one day to his/her own country

3. Enda' nemu ngama' utai ke enda' dipeda; enda' nemu nyagam utai ke dalam

One who is not choosy about whom to mix with, no matter he/she is dead or not

4. Kami tu' ukai mungkal endang nitihka asal, ukai muntis endang nitihka aris

A person who admits to doing something/a task according to proper order/approaches which out a muddle/a mess

5. Baka ke nyala besilih nibar; baka ke merau' besilih sengkar; baka ke bekayuh besilih suar

Taking turn in discussions/exchanging views such as in wedding ceremony

6. Di Rajang baka di Lundu'; din baka ditu'; suba' baka diatu'

A person who is suffering(in distress)/lazy will even suffer more in a new place/environment

7. Ansar enda' betebing, alus enda' bekingking; anyut enda' tepanggai, labuh enda' bepegai

Life gets tough/in difficulties/suffers which nothing impositions/no resources

8. Anchur tubuh diperaka urat, budi manah meruan dikingat

Ones kindness, generosity and gratitude will always be remembered forever

9. Angkat serunyut orang baka sabut nyiur undang; angkat bebatak baka unak wi seluang

A group should not leave one place hastily/hurriedly but rather slowly and relaxing

10. Baka manuk pulai ke penepan; baka engkechung pulai ke serangan

A person coming back/returning to his/her origin (such as in faith)

11. Betangkah tengah kerangan, mesti diduju' ai' bah

Lack of confidence in a task will lead to problem or failure

Bepangki' diri' sedulang, bepantuk diri' segelanggang

Quarelling among relative, marrying those from the same longhouse/village/a very closed relative

12. Enda' betuja' baka bila' lambar jerungkang; enda' pimpat baka sipat tali ripang

A person who is good, honest and trustworthy in many fields/matters/affairs (e.g. tradition)

13. Baka ke belumba', enda' tau' enda' datai di adan

A task/work must be carried out till completed/accomplished

14. Angkat nyeriat baka singut lalat ninggalka idang; angkat bepipis baka angkis ninggalka lubang; angkat bejung baka semut lutung niti serambung jalai petebang

A proverb/idiom which tells the condition when a group of people returns home at the same time

15. Ampang belantan; ampang belulai; ampang mensuga

Name for Pua Kumbu woven by the Iban

16. Merau' nebing-nebing, bejalai ngerambing-ngerambing, nitih ka orang, ukai ke pun

Following the steps of others to take a turn for the better, yet still hold to the traditional beliefs.

17. Anang manjung di pala' wung; anang ngangau di kaki rantau

Don't do something yet if things are unavailable, don't start yet if work still unaccomplished

18. Baka ke merau', nyau mai' besilih sangkar, baka ke nyala, besilih nibar, baka ke bejaku, minta' nimbal

Adopt and adapt – a continuous process to fit in a new culture.